Pairs of birds

grackles, mourning doves, blue jays and redbirds

These colorful birds visit my yard often. The birds that I remember when I was a child at Banner Mountain were not the same as these.  They were mockingbirds, hummingbirds, sparrows, crows, hawks, owls and purple martins. My older siblings often told the story of how they would go look at a bird’s nest in an old tree. They said it was the nest of a “yellow-hammer” and it was built in an old “snag,” which meant it was in an old hollow tree. But I have no idea what kind of bird it was. My siblings went every day to see the baby birds. By researching, I’ve learned the yellowhammer is Alabama’s state bird, which is a northern flicker or yellow-shafted flicker. Or as one source says, they were birds with yellow patches under their wings. I can only imagine how beautiful those birds and baby birds must have been. I wish I could have seen them but they lived in the old snag tree before I was born. And to this day, I have not seen a yellowhammer bird. ~~Freeda Baker Nichols

11 comments on “BANNER MOUNTAIN GIRL#21

  1. Wow! Beautiful photography. I love birds, especially pigeons and doves.


  2. Pat Durmon says:

    Birds. Beautiful.

    On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 12:17 AM, Freeda Baker Nichols wrote:

    > Freeda Baker Nichols posted: “Pairs of birds grackles, mourning doves, > blue jays and redbirds These colorful birds visit my yard often. The birds > that I remember when I was a child at Banner Mountain were not the same as > these. They were mockingbirds, hummingbirds, sparrows, crows, h” >


  3. I’m not familiar with that bird either. Hopefully they’re still around but hiding out in the deep woods.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How interesting! I wonder why they disappeared.


    • Since my older siblings have passed away, there are so many questions I’d like to have answers to! The memory of hearing about that bird has stuck with me. It must have been a type of bird that built only in the forest and not close to houses. My siblings were probably quite lucky to have seen them at all. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. bkcitta says:

    Great photos!!


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