Two Short Poems


A Pig Kissing Contest?

 A pig kissing contest? Absurd!
Whoever heard
of such disgrace?
I will not try to kiss his face.
Forget the dough.
I will not go
to kiss a Poland China mug.
I am too smug.
Oh, dear! Oh, me!
It is beneath my dignity
to do a jig
and kiss a pig.

© 2013  Freeda Baker Nichols

books for signing/
Dirty Farmers Market–
tomatoes for sale

14 comments on “Two Short Poems

  1. dotlatjohn says:

    Cute picture and poem! I would like that place.


  2. Ginger Kemp Pruett says:

    I would not enter the pig kissing contest either, but I would watch those who did enter. Very nice pictures with this one.


  3. sounds like a place that would draw people…and quite nice of them to ask no commission…


  4. Love the photo of your books in the midst of a country store. So homey and unique. Glad you got good publicity. Also enjoyed your poem and your haiku.


    • Thank you, Patricia. I did sell and sign one novel and one children’s book. All in all, it was fun. They keep local authors’ books there for sale, and have sold some of mine. And the good part is that so far they don’t charge a commission on our books.


  5. Catherine Johnson says:

    Superb! I love the liveliness of this, Freeda.


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