8 comments on “On Guard

  1. Catherine Johnson says:

    All these forms I’ve never heard of. It’s so interesting seeing what you’ve got next, Freeda. I did the polar bear poem with the form you did last. 🙂


  2. Pitty Patter.blogspot.com/ pittypatter.blogspot.com says:

    I read it again: it’s a tripod, of course! Good one. p


  3. Pitty Patter.blogspot.com/ pittypatter.blogspot.com says:

    What is the form, cameo? No. Tanka? It looks like a cinquain but the syllables aren’t right. The doves around here are too fast for any cat. pat


  4. Apparently, Calico in the poem got one of the doves.


  5. So Calico got one of them? 😦
    Sad face ………………………….^


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