Why I Chose “My True Sentence” for a Tagline

DSC_0191-2The tagline for my blog became “my true sentence in prose, poetry & photos” to show I’m a writer. I share my literary pieces and photo essays here on my blog.

When the assignment in WordPress’ Blogging 101 class suggested a look at blog titles and taglines, I realized not everyone is familiar with Hemingway’s quote on writing: “All you have to do is write one true sentence.”

I chose my tagline because I like to believe I, too, can become an accomplished writer and “one true sentence” sounds like a good place to begin. Hemingway said it was.

I’ve attended writers’ retreats in Piggott, Arkansas at the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center, many times. It’s inspiring to take my laptop computer into the barn studio where Hemingway wrote portions of “A Farewell to Arms.”  When I’m there, it’s an awesome experience to write and to dream of creating a masterpiece. But if I never do, it’s still fun to be a writer, to write, to dream, and to blog. That’s my true sentence!        — Freeda Baker Nichols



8 comments on “Why I Chose “My True Sentence” for a Tagline

  1. I used to go each year to the writers’ retreats there, and the barn studio was always an awesome experience. When my book was published, the staff hosted a book signing in the living room of the Pfeiffer house. (Hemingway’s in-law’s house) I was one of three published writers. No big turn-out, but still an honor to be there with my novel in hand!


  2. Dreams lead to reality. Who knows. Love that you wrote in Hemingway’s barn.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Catherine Johnson says:

    What a lovely post, Freeda. Your poems are each a mini masterpiece.


  4. dotlatjohn says:

    I agree, Freeda. Writing in the barn at HP is inspiring. And to whatever degree we succeed, writing itself is rewarding.


  5. Dreams are such a wonderful thing. Good luck with your writing & congrats on your awesome writing retreat.


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