His Favorite Daughter

Pocket watch, savonette-type. Italiano: Orolog...

Three Girls Colorized Circa 1915

Three Girls Colorized Circa 1915 (Photo credit: linkerjpatrick)

There once was a huntsman, John Dee– his name
who lived in the great Ozark hills
and he had three daughters, sweet daughters–all three.
He told each one she was his favorite–
his favorite was she.
Each girl admired her kind-hearted father
and smiled to herself thinking she
was his favorite daughter–
most favored of the beautiful three.
Now Sadie, the eldest, was certain that she
would inherit the watch that he wore
but Carly could tell by the glint in his eye
it was she he would leave it for
and Julie just knew she would get it–for sure–
the pocket watch trimmed in gold.
When each little girl had begun toddling around,
John held the watch close to her ear.
The little girls loved its tick and its tock–
the pocket watch trimmed in gold.
They lived on the hillside by rocks and rills
in the awesome and beautiful Ozark hills.

© 2013, Freeda Baker Nichols

11 comments on “His Favorite Daughter

  1. Hope you don’t mind…I added your poem with recognition to my blog about my Dad…Just loved it…


  2. […] His Favorite Daughter (freedanichols.wordpress.com) […]


  3. Much love to 3 special girls…Isn’t it grand that we feel so special in the love shown us…
    Some surprise ending for sure would have to come with the leaving of the watch…


    • Seems like I’ve created a problem I can’t solve. 🙂 Did you notice Catherine Johnson’s comment, above? How her granddad’s gold watch chain was split in threes for the grandkids?


  4. Dorothy Johnson says:

    Your poem has a folk song lilt. I enjoyed reading it. So, who got the watch?


  5. Catherine Johnson says:

    Lovely, Freeda! My grandad’s gold watch chain was split in three for us grandkids. This reminded me straight away.


  6. Ginger Kemp Pruett says:

    Good one, nice that each child felt special


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